Art direction - Concept Art - Illustration - Animation
Les Derniers Papillons
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J'avais fait cette petite aquarelle dans le métro, le premier jour d'automne... puis oubliée au fin fond de mon carnet. Il était temps que je la scanne avant les première boules de neiges ! :)
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Heimthra a dit…
Très joli, très automnal :)
Anonyme a dit…
C'est très joli :D! j'aime beaucoup l'harmonie qu'il y a :) !
I'm specialized for many years now in 2D , animation,traditional and digital illustration, concept and visual development, storytelling,... And that's already a lot! So when it comes about 3D , i usually prefer to delegate that task to someone who's specialized in that! But as those past few years I've been creating more and more concepts for 3D teams, I decided it was time for me to learn it least to have a better understanding of the process and the challenges, to adapt my Sketches the best for my teammates! The first step is usually the most difficult: it took me some time to make room in my schedule for something that would probably come with headaches. But the experience was actually more enjoyable and easier than i thought... My pinterest Board for Pastel Pop cakes, donuts and other cute pastries I was inspired by Yasmin Islas Domingez course on Domestika to create this Kawaii little character made of sugar with Blender....
Just something done quickly on my spare time for my practice ... Part of my training learning 3D was to feel more comfortable in intuitive sculpt ,directly creating and hand painting a character in the 3D sofware. I like very cartoony and stylized artstyles so here is a cute chunky creature with a bumpy little butt~ you can see more of this project in my various 3D projects from my Behance Portfolio
A la recherche de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles pour payer les factures, voici quelques sprites animés cette semaine sous Flash. La semaine prochaine j'expérimenterai sous Unity. I 'm currently looking for new professional opportunities to pay the bills, so here are a few sprites I've animated this week with Flash! Next week I'll experimentwith Unity.
Bonne continuation!!!