Here are some Frequent Asked Questions, for now it's only in english. Feel free to drop me a line if you have more questions !

Quick links :

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"Hi, I would like to work with you !" (commercial use)

Thanks for your interest in my works , I’m always looking forward to new collaborations!

Please send me a description of your project as complete as you can (ex: What's the project? What do you need from me? What's the tasks and the quantities of work? Do you have some design references? ...) so I can define the best estimate and options for you. Of course, all the documents you'll send me will be strictly confidential and deleted after I read them.
If your project have a very short dead line or if this need abilities I can't provide you, I can hire a team for you.

Also, it seems pretty basic but lots of people forget to introduce themselves!  I'd like to know people I'm working with, so feel free to share with me some basics information as your name,  website and/or some of your latest projects or references...

"How do you price ?"

My rate is calculated following my professional charges and fees as a company. It's always the same, 
whatever if you are a big company or a little business. My estimates will only vary depending on the quantity of work, level of detail and the commercial uses required for the good release of your project.

I can create simple visual elements within a few days, a most advanced project could need a few weeks of work. In the case I'm working on longer collaborations or regularly with someone, I usually offer some discounts over the months to thank my regular clients and build with them a perenne 

If you have a restricted but realistic budget, I can also make you some propositions to fit in. My experience in project management can help to understand and optimize the best your project so don't hesitate to get in touch!

"I would like a test "

As a 14 years experienced prefessional artist , I don't have time to do "free tests", but I'll be glad to send you a quote and fit in your budget for a test, so you can try me out! 

First, I recommend you to check out my portfolio section to see more of my work and my process, it's free! If you are looking for something more specific, feel free to drop me a line (most of my work is still under NDA so it's not publicly disclosed)

"Do you work for free ?"


Sometimes,  I accept to lower my prices for causes I support or work on some collaborations. But I'm already investing a lot of time and energy to do so, and I also have to prioritize my professional and personal projects. Also, like everybody else, I have professional fees to pay, and a personal life to manage. ;)

'Exposure' doesn't pay the bills, and I have enough of it to receive plenty of requests of this kind. Note that even charity and humanitarian associations have budgets to pays their contractors. So please don't waste your time and mine, it's actually very uneducated to ask to an artist (or anyone) to work for free.

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"Hi, I would like to commission you for an Original illustration / Watercolor painting/ Digital work/ ..." (personal use)

I don't currently have time to work on personal commissions.  If I become a bit more available, I'll let you know through Instagram and facebook , and I'll propose only a few slots . Thanks for your understanding.

While waiting you can still support me by buying art prints through my Society6 . Sometimes I also offer for sale some original artworks and very limited editions on my Etsy. Thanks you! 

"Hi ! I found this picture on your blog and I would like to use it for my avatar/ to post it on my blog / other personal uses "

You can use my work for personal uses, as long as you link it to my professional website (www.foyaland.com) with proper credits. I rarely say no, but I'd be glad if you contact me and share the details before ! :)

I don't want my work to illustrate content it's not intended to , or be associated with causes I do not support (no hate speeches please)

Even if you buy an original artwork or find a picture on google/facebook/any social network, Intellectual property Law is very clear about this : you are not entitled to distribute or use it for commercial purposes without the explicit consent of the artist. Please contact me for a proper cession of rights and an estimate.

"I really love this painting you did and I would like to know if you sell it ?"

Just ask! I sell sometimes my original illustrations, so feel free to contact me if you are interested.

I don't have so much time lately to update my online shop with original artworks or limited editions , but you can still go on my my Society6  to find very good quality artprints  and some products. Thanks for your support! 

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< “Hi! I would like feature your works / write an article / make an interview for a magazine”

All advertisement for my work is always welcome. Please note though, that following the Intellectual property laws, if you are publishing/selling something including my work , you should ask for my explicit permission and pay for the rights of use.

Of course, please don't forget to properly credit the pictures you'll use: with my name or nickname (+ a link to my website), and if you use some professional works I did for clients,you should also mention the name of the project and the name of the client.

You can use the pre-existing content that you'll find easily on my website and if you need high resolution pictures or more details, just ask! I'm available to answer your questions anyway!

If you want me to create special content as an illustration, tutorial, or to write an article on a specific subject for you, please understand that I don't work for free, but I'll be glad to do something to fit in a budget. 

Also, I would be happy to take a glance at the final article (I'm always curious ! ) and to redirect people to your magazine from my various social networks once it will be published.

Thanks for your support and consideration! 

"I'm a student, and I would like to make an interview for my school ..."

Thanks a lot for you interest in my work and for you proposition ! I'm glad my work inspire you, BUT ...

First, I think Teachers shouldn't ask for this kind of homework. Interviews and interventions takes a lot of time, to organize, answer the questions, prepare content... and I'm very busy with my professional and personal projects.

So I'm sorry, but BEFORE contacting me, do your researches. You will be able to find everything you need on my website , my LinkedIn or through some other interviews I did before. Then, only if you are an illustration, animation or videogame student and you have some very specific questions I didn't answered previously, feel free to drop me a line! If I'm available I'll try to schedule a skype interview.

Also , it would be great if you send me your final article! I love reading you :)

“Hi ! I would like to exhibit/ resell your illustrations or creations in my creator shop or gallery” 

Hello, I'm always open for serious offers to sell my work and bring it exposure. Feel free to drop me a line with all the details and references to discuss about commissions ! ;) 

“Hi ! I would like to invite you to do a workshop / demo / event..."

Hello, yes I sometimes participate to signing cessions, live demonstrations , and I can also prepare some watercolors / animation /video game trainings.

Please consider though that this takes a lot of time and ressources to organize and prepare content...That's why usually this kind of events are payed. Feel free to contact me to discuss about budget and commissions! 

Thanks for taking the time to reading me! 
Please write if you have any question or just want to get in touch ! I'm always glad to reading you. 


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