Halloween Contest !

* English version * Contest: No ramdomly pick this time, you 'll have to work! :') Send me your cutest Monster-Ghost-Vampire-Or whatever your want but something for Halloween! The winner will get one of these lovely "Ghost" Notebook, Limited Edition. Your creations will be exhibited on my blog and I will choose a winner based on several criteria : Does your participation fit to the Halloween theme ? Is it personal, original , aesthetic ? Be Creative ! Policies: Everyone can participate, any technique accepted, 1 entry per person . Dead Line: 31 October, midnight. Good Luck and Have Fun! *Submit a link to your Creation here in the comments or send me a mail at foyaland @ yahoo.fr* * French version * Concours : Cette fois, pas de tirage au sort aléatoire, il va falloir bosser un peu ! :') Envoyez-moi votre plus joli petit Monstre - Fantôme - Vampire - Ce que vous voulez du moment que ça reste Halloweenesque! ...