3D Blender Training : first try !
I'm specialized for many years now in 2D , animation,traditional and digital illustration, concept and visual development, storytelling,... And that's already a lot! So when it comes about 3D , i usually prefer to delegate that task to someone who's specialized in that! But as those past few years I've been creating more and more concepts for 3D teams, I decided it was time for me to learn it too...at least to have a better understanding of the process and the challenges, to adapt my Sketches the best for my teammates! The first step is usually the most difficult: it took me some time to make room in my schedule for something that would probably come with headaches. But the experience was actually more enjoyable and easier than i thought... My pinterest Board for Pastel Pop cakes, donuts and other cute pastries I was inspired by Yasmin Islas Domingez course on Domestika to create this Kawaii little character made of sugar with Blender....
Si t'as l'occasion d'essayer un jour :p
On en veut encore plus!!! ^^ A demain sur Roubaix :D
@Lisa: ha non pas plus! un par jour ça suffit amplement! ^^"
à demain!
Thanks for reply about what pens you use too.
Ayez un bon week-end
as-tu pris plaisir à imaginer et créer ton rêve du moment?
je continue à prendre un super plaisir à suivre ton blog!ce d'autant + qu'il change à, évolue et m'émeut.......
tu tiens le rythme: génial
je t'adore
Biz de Tokyo
Merci Sephy! tu vas me faire rougir :') J'adore aussi ton travail!
bonne continuation et à bientot!